A Leading Institution in treatment and Research of MS
Providing comprehensive patient care, innovative technology, and ongoing clinical research trials.
The clinical facilities at the MS Center are designed specifically with the MS patient in mind.
The MS Center has specialized exam rooms, an on-site infusion facility, and highly experienced personnel, including specially trained , nurses and an on-site psychologist and social worker. A high field strength (7T) MRI scanner is available for clinical use.
Physician Information
Nationally and internationally recognized experts in the care of the disease.
Clinical Programs
A multidisciplinary approach helps achieve the best possible outcomes.
Transforming our understandings of MS with ground-breaking contributions to the field.
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Providing comprehensive patient care, innovative technology, and ongoing clinical research trials.
Join Our Team or Apply for a Fellowship
The Brigham Multiple Sclerosis Center at Brigham and Women’s Hospital annually offers several fellowship opportunities.
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